The number of attempts remaining is 3
Who are expected to be involved in Soul winning?
Read Luke 19: 1 - 9 and mention the name of a man that made restitution in the passage.
Mention works of the holy spirit in the believers personal life
"Man cannot know God and live to please Him without the light of the scriptures"
See Gen 1: 1, Job 11: 17, Rev 3: 7
In the light of those quotations and Bible references, Mention TWO important purposes of the scriptures and what it reveals.
According to Hebrew 12: 14, how many people are called unto holiness?
But God hath not called us unto _____
Who deceived Eve?
What type of Fruit should a Christian bear?
_____ is the Prince of the World.
The lifestyle of the Kingdom of God is an attitude of _____
When does Sanctification begin?
Holiness is an evidence that one is _____
Why should we Evangelize?
John 3: 18 says "He that _____ on Him is not _____ but he that _____ is condemned already because he hath _____ in the _____ of the _____ of God
Christian attitude towards "worldliness" is to _____
The purpose of God for creating Man is for Man to be fruitful and multiply and have dominion over all other creatures.
TWO evidences of Worldliness are:
"I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance". In your own words, what does it mean to repent?
What is (are) the evidence (s) that shows we love God?
Mention the key to holiness.
"And God blessed them and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea...."
From the above passage, mention FIVE major purposes of God for creating man.
In the beginning was the _____, and the _____ was with God and the _____ was God.
The mind of Christ concerning Worldliness is that _____
Is there any other name under heaven that is given among men whereby we must be saved, except the name of Jesus Christ?
Who is a christian really?
How do you understand the word "sanctification" according to the passage?
Complete this "Except your righteousness exceed to the righteousness of of the Scribes and Pharisees _____"
State what the holy spirit gives in the believer for service
In what way are we sure we are pleasing God?
In the New Testament, what can also amount to killing?
There are TWO roads to Eternity. Mention them.
For whosoever shall call upon the _____ of the Lord shall be _____
Going under water and rising up demonstrates what to the christian believer?
Worldliness manifests itself on THREE realms:
"If ye abide in me and __________ abide in you, Ye shall ask what ye will and __________" Jhn 15:7
Soul winning can only be done in the Church?
But Jesus does not want any offering from _____
A Christian Motto should be _____
Jesus said, into Nicodemus and to everyone in “John 3:3” that we must do something to see the kingdom of God. What is it?
Jesus gave us a great commission that _____
Mention TWO ways adultery can be committed.
That if thou shalt _____ with thy _____, the _____ and shall believe in thine _____ that God hath _____ him from the _____, thou shalt be _____.
"Then it shall be because he hath sinned and is guilty, that he shall restore that which he took violently away or the thing which he has deceitfully gotten or that which was delivered him to keep or the lost thing which he found" Lev 6: 4
What do we call this commandment in the Bible doctrine?
What consequence do human beings now bear as a result of the sin of Adam and Eve?
Worldliness is _____
State the 5 Prophetical names of Jesus Christ that can be found in the book of Isa. 9:6.
According to Rom 6: 23, what is the penalty for sin?
But with saith it? The _____ is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart : that is, the _____ of _____ which we preach.
God's nature and character is _____ ?
For the second coming of Jesus which is very soon and eminent, What is your commitment towards this?
Which steps have you (Now) taken to be saved (Born again)?
For with the _____ man _____ unto _____ and with the _____ confession is made into _____
What is the nature of relationship between Christ and Believers?
Who is a soul winner?
Jesus has saved us from THREE things according to lessons
Mention the command (s) related to prayer
Mass evangelism is _____?
There is _____ in heaven when a sinner repents and turns to God.
What is Tithe?
The Bible is God’s book that presents the Gospel to the world by which mankind can be saved from their sins.
Who is the sanctifier?
Baptism by going down and rising up from water is called Baptism by _____?
In your own words, What do you understand by the word "FAITH"
King David's perspective of sacrifice was that it cost something . What is the new testament standard?
What are the things to be done before one is sanctified?
Explain in your own words. How can one abide in the Lord Jesus Christ.
God's commandment to man: Read Gen 2: 15 - 17, summarize what you have just read in your own words in one sentence below.
1 Thess 4: 7 says we are called unto _____
What does this passage of the scripture imply concerning Jesus Christ?
“By him we’re all things created”
“And he is the eternal God and all things were made by him”
Where does the TWO road of Eternity lead to?
Who has eternal life according to Jesus Christ and according to John 6:47?
If one is not Holy, it then means _____
Jesus and God the Father, are they ONE according to John 14:20?
Being an active member of Philanthropic Organization, Community development, giving of alms, being good, kind and engaged in social or religious activities is acceptable as entry qualification to heaven.
Those who do not know Christ and those who have wrong conception about Christ cannot interpret the Bible alright. This is why cults and false religions do not understand the Bible.
Jn 20: 31, Lk 24: 25-27, 2Tim 3:16, 17.
With the above references, Mention THREE of the messages and the ministry of the scriptures.
What should be our attitude in respect to sin before we talk to God in prayer?
How can we know for sure what God wants in our life today?
Three methods of approach can be used in sharing the Good News of Salvation:
Believers are saved by _____
How will the people of the world know that we are followers of Christ?
There are two types of evangelism in the book of Acts namely;
We do praise and worship God because of _____ and what he does.
Personal Evangelism is _____?
What was God's plan for the ultimate "perfect sacrifice"?
The clergy or the Pastor should do the work of evangelism.
"Fit for a King" is a phrase sometimes used to describe a product of high quality or excellent service, who is worthy of our best and why?
When are we expected to be baptized?
It is erroneous to hold Adam responsible for the sin in the life of man.
Do you want to be saved?
The only way we Christians enjoy living in God's Kingdom is _____
Will you now repent of your past ways of a sinful life, and turn to the only source of hope, no other name given where by we can be saved except Jesus Christ?
The attainments in Holiness are possible are possible. Mention two Bible passages that confirms it.
But as many as received Him, to them He gave power to __________ even to them that believe on his name (Jhn 1:12)
We can be effective soul winners by;
What was the sin Adam and Eve committed?
Mention the eternal consequence of the fruitless believers.
Mention TWO forms our relationship with God takes at the initial of New life with Him
Some of the Old Testament instructions were very detailed. Why was it necessary to follow them exactly?
John 3:17 says “For God sent not his son into the world to _____ the _____ but that the world through _____ might be _____.
Why should we believe in Jesus Christ according to John 7:29?
Offering is _____
Vows or swearing is strictly _____ for a child of God.
Knowing Jesus as Savior brings us into _____
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